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Feb 25, 2019

Tons of scales on the market may say they offer up body fat analysis, but experts agree most of them are riddled with inaccuracies. The gold standard DEXA-scan offers a much truer picture of body composition, but up until recently had been fairly difficult to access for the average, everyday athlete or weekend warrior....

Feb 18, 2019

A little sprinkle when you sneeze, a "mummy tummy" that doesn't go away long after you've given birth or even worse all may be the symptoms of a seldom-discussed but quite common condition known as Diastasis Recti.

In this episode with Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team we discuss:

  • a brief anatomy lesson on the muscles that...

Feb 11, 2019

When a child can't seem to pull away from his favorite game or refuses to put down the phone for even a moment, is it simply youthful defiance or something worse? Screen time is increasingly recognized as a threat to the mental health of children. Today's podcast details how screens may be making children moody, crazy...

Feb 4, 2019

Not ready for retirement, but clearly not new to the workforce, many unmillennials find themselves at a crossroads of their careers wondering "Is this all there is?" This podcast takes a deeper look into the idea of career burnout, what's behind it and how to overcome it.

Beth Kennedy, author of Career Recharge...